We also have a record of minutes available for previous years which we are happy to provide on request.
The local council meets on the first Monday of every month with all meetings open to the public. Meetings are held at 7pm in the LARCS Building. The schedule of meeting dates is published annually. Any variations to this will be published in the agenda. Other meetings may be called from time to time where timescales require a decision by the Council earlier than the next scheduled meeting - for example, where the Council has been invited to comment on a planning application.
See Agendas for forthcoming Council meetings which are also displayed on the Parish Council notice boards at least three clear days prior to the meeting.
Members of the public are welcome to attend meetings which open with an opportunity for Public Questions to the Council in respect of any items listed on the agenda for that meeting. Members of the public can observe the remainder of the proceedings but may not participate. In the event an item under discussion is deemed confidential by its nature, the Council may by resolution exclude the public or press for that item.
Minutes of meetings are made available in draft form as quickly as possible after the meeting and posted to this website.
In addition to regular meetings there is an Annual Parish Meeting to which all electors in the parish are entitled to attend and vote upon any issues under discussion.