The Parish Plan Steering Committee has worked with representatives of Bampton Town Council to finalise the Parish Plan, producing both a full plan of 28 pages and a fold out brochure, copies of which are being provided to every household. Additional copies may be obtained from, the Library, the Butchers and the Toucan. The full plan includes a section recording the views of the pupils from Bampton School and this adds a refreshing dimension to it. The full Parish Plan was adopted by the Town Council at their meeting on 7th January and responsibility for progressing the Action Plan now rests with them. The Action Plan records the aspirations of the people of Bampton, but it is now up to us all to monitor that the actions are pursued.
Copies of the full plan are held in the Library and can be borrowed if required. The Library also holds a full pack of information which includes the original questionnaire and the analysis of the returns from 57% of the households and representing the views of 865 individuals. The specific comments, totalling over 800, from those individuals are also listed and these helped frame the final Parish Plan. The full plan and brochure together with this same supporting information is also accessible on the town’s web site.
Whilst generally residents wished to see improvements in amenities and facilities, most wanted to see the character and traditions of Bampton Parish retained with any housing developments being restricted and catering for the needs of the young, elderly and those on low income. Concerns were expressed on the lack of employment opportunities, parking, communications, dog fouling and security but most were content with the quality of local shops, refuse collections and existing transport facilities. Actions have been defined to address the concerns raised and to replace or improve the Riverside Hall and improve the Recreation Ground / Motte.
Alan Woolley,
Chairman Parish Plan Steering Committee.
This is your Parish Plan; please monitor progress and ensure that the Action Plan is progressed