
This page provides information on matters relating to planning for which Mid Devon District Council is the Local Planning Authority.

Bampton Town Council is consulted by Mid Devon District Council about planning applications in Bampton. See Bampton Planning Applications on the right of this page. Each application has its own link so that you can review comments and make them yourself.

When a Parish Council Planning meeting is arranged an Agenda will be published at least three clear days before the meeting and Minutes will be made available as soon as possible after the meeting on the website and Parish Council Noticeboards.

You may be interested in planning matters for a variety of reasons. 

  • To make an application you should use the MDDC Planning Site which links to the online Planning Application Portal 
  • To view or research applications in Mid Devon use the Planning Search link to the Planning Portal Search Engine
  • There is also a weekly report
  • Note that if you wish to make an application or provide comments you will need to create/use your own Planning Portal log-in

Bampton Planning Applications

20/00249/MOUT APPEAL

Land at NGR 295599 122818 North of Frog Street, Bampton

Outline for 21 dwellings & 1000 sq. m. B1 employment space; all matters reserved except for access